City library at Mailänder Platz, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Frank Hörner

Saatgutbibliothek Stuttgart

Seeds can be exchanged with each other in the seed library. The purpose is to increase biodiversity, save old varieties and promote plant diversity in the city! The city library offers seed libraries on the 'Life' level in the city library on Mailänder Platz, as well as in the Kneippweg, Neugereut, Zuffenhausen and Weilimdorf district libraries. Seeds can be handed in at one of the seed libraries during the respective opening hours. In spring, seeds can be collected from one of the seed libraries and sown in your own garden or on your balcony. After the harvest, the seeds can be returned to the seed libraries in the fall.

Events within the framework of the seed library

Location & Contact

Saatgutbibliothek in der Stadtbibliothek
Mailänder Platz 1
70173 Stuttgart

Plan your trip

Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
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Deutsche Bahn AG
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