The Wurttemberg State Theatres, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid
The Wurttemberg State Theatres, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid

The Wurttemberg State Theatres

The Stuttgart State Theatres, with its Stuttgart Opera, Stuttgart Ballet and Stuttgart Theatre, is the largest three-section theatre in Europe. Around 500,000 spectators attend the approximately 1,000 performances from mid-September to the end of July. Over 1,350 employees from more than 50 nations make it possible for the theatre to operate in the opera house, the playhouse, the chamber theatre, the North and the Liederhalle.

The double building of opera house and playhouse has been attracting theatre-hungry visitors to the Upper Schlossgarten for over 100 years. Under the architect Max Littmann, a magnificent temple of art in the style of historicism was created, which caused an international sensation as early as 1912.

Miraculously, the opera house survived the turmoil of war and since the 1980s the interior can be admired again in its original design. Magnificent decorations and valuable materials invite visitors to marvel.

After the former Kleines Haus was destroyed in the war, the people of Stuttgart ventured something new at the end of the 1950s: with its almost rounded shape, a restrained interior design and numerous windows, a fresh and airy atmosphere has reigned in architect Hans Volkart's Schauspielhaus for more than 50 years.

Location & Contact

Staatstheater Stuttgart
Oberer Schlossgarten 6
70173 Stuttgart

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