Cul­ture in Stut­tgart

Stuttgart is Germany's cultural capital! There's everything here - from museums to world cultural heritage, from opera and theatre to world-famous ballet. From a lively jazz scene to hip hop Made in Germany from Stuttgart. From magnificent baroque palaces to modern architecture. Take a look around!

Art Museum

Mu­seums & Gal­ler­ies

Live mu­sic ven­ues

Theat­er, op­era and bal­let

Cultural Highlights in Stuttgart

Playhouse, © Björn Klein

The Schaus­piel Stut­tgart


The Schauspiel Stuttgart theatre company provides important impulses in the German theatre scene. Under its director, Hasko Weber, it is one of Germany's most prominent and best-known ensembles and in 2006 received the "Theatre of the Year" award.

Old Castle, © Stuttgart Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid


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Württem­berg State Mu­seum


The Württemberg State Museum offers its visitors a stimulating presentation of the history of our state from the Stone Age to the present time.

Theaterhaus_Eingang_16_c SMG wpsteinheisser, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, wpsteinheisser

Theat­er­haus Stut­tgart


The Theaterhaus Stuttgart e.V. presents a colorful program of theater, dance and music and is a popular venue with its own theater and dance ensemble.

Stuttgart State Opera, © SMG Christoph Düpper

Staat­sop­er Stut­tgart (State Op­era)


The Staatsoper Stuttgart is one of Europe's foremost opera houses and at the same time a branch of Europe's largest tripartite theatre. The Staatsoper repeatedly provides important impulses for today's music theatre scene and enjoys a reputation as one of the world's leading opera houses.

Porsche Museum, © Porsche AG, Sabine Braun


sustainable destination

Porsche Mu­seum Stut­tgart


The Porsche Museum has been presenting automotive history and “Fascination Porsche” in an incomparable style ever since 2009. The impressive building is located in the heart of the company’s home city of Zuffenhausen and was designed by the Delugan Meissl architectural firm of Vienna.

Anna Osadcenko in Maximiliano Guerra's Don Quixote, © Stuttgarter Ballett

The Stut­tgart Bal­let


For more than 40 years now the Stuttgart Ballet has ranked among the world's best ensembles. Reid Anderson, its director, convinces with a repertoire that gives the younger generation of choreographers lots of scope without neglecting the rich legacy of John Cranko.

Weissenhofmuseum, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, wpsteinheisser


TopStop CityTour

Weis­sen­hof Es­tate with Weis­sen­hof Mu­seum


The semi-detached homes designed by Le Corbusier, one of the most influential architects of the Twentieth Century, shows the aesthetic, social and technical upheavals of the Moderne.

Linden-Museum_0C0A1986_c SMG Achim Mende, © © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH


TopStop CityTour

Linden Mu­seum Stut­tgart


Stuttgart's Linden Museum is one of Europe's leading museums of ethnology, giving fascinating insights into the everyday lives, art and civilisation history of non-European peoples.

Art Museum View of Kleiner Schlossplatz, © Stuttgart Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid


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TopStop CityTour

Kun­st­mu­seum Stut­tgart (Mu­seum of Mod­ern Art)


The Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, with its glass cube visible from afar, is open and inviting thanks to its transparency and today symbolizes the urban, modern face of the city.

Postmodern building by the architect Stirling., © VOLKER NAUMANN    FOTOGRAFIE


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TopStop CityTour

The Staats­galer­ie Stut­tgart (State Gal­lery)


The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, built in the years 1838 - 1843 under King Wilhelm I of Wuerttemberg, has been one of the most visited German museums, especially since the opening of the world famous expansion from the British star architect James Stirling in the year 1984.

D836185-min (1), © Mercedes-Benz Heritage GmbH


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Mer­cedes-Benz Mu­seum Stut­tgart


Take a journey through more than 130 years of fascinating automotive history – and on into the future. Enter the only place in the world capable of documenting the unbroken history of the automobile from its very beginning.

BIX Jazzclub, © Peter Steinheisser


Bix Jazz Club


Since 2006 the Bix Jazz Club is a hot spot and melting pot for the jazzscene in Stuttgart, meeting up with international top acts.



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More Cultural offers

City Library at Milan Square, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, WP Steinheisser

Ar­chi­tec­ture in and around Stut­tgart

Solitude Castle, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid

Castles and palaces