15. Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival 2025

Theaterhaus, Siemensstr. 11, 70469 Stuttgart


Semi-professional, amateur flamenco dancers, i.e. people who have a "normal" job during the day and are involved in flamenco in their free time, have been invited to show their skills for this evening. This evening promises to be entertaining and full of surprises. The audience will gain an unusual insight into a cultural scene that is full of vitality, passion and diversity. Perhaps you will see your neighbor or colleague on stage?

Directed by Catarina Mora and Miguel Ángel Espino Sound Alex Katsaros Lighting Dominik Schwahn Stage Dieter Weimann and Kai Hausser Photo Sibylle Nuñez Díaz Production Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival gUG

Location & Contact

Siemensstr. 11
70469 Stuttgart

Organizer: Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival gUG

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