15. Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival 2025

Theaterhaus, Siemensstr. 11, 70469 Stuttgart

"Gala flamenca bailaoras"

In a large-scale choreography conceived by Miguel Ángel, the four bailaoras introduce themselves before each one shows their skills, passion and pure joie de vivre in a great solo. The 4 live musicians carry this work with confidence and virtuosity to make the "Gala flamenca de mujeres" unforgettable for everyone involved. This unusual artistic meeting of such different artists, who have taken on this venture together, was created during the rehearsal period in Stuttgart.

Dance: Carmen Camacho, Laura Funez, Araceli Munoz
Guitar: Antonio Espanadero, Fernando de la Rua
Singing: Carmen Fernández, Momi de Cádiz
Idea, artistic direction: Miguel Ángel Espino

Location & Contact

Siemensstr. 11
70469 Stuttgart

Organizer: Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival gUG

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