ALFONS - Le Best Of

Theaterhaus, Siemensstr. 11, 70469 Stuttgart

"Men who slap their thighs with uninhibited pleasure; women who shriek with uninhibited enthusiasm: Alfons makes them all laugh."
(Wolfsburger Nachrichten)

Orange training jacket? Fluffy microphone? French accent? Yes, you know them - and you've probably seen them a lot on your TV at home. Allow me: ALFONS, cult reporter in the service of German television!

And as such, "Germany's favourite Frenchman" (FAZ) also dissects the general news situation in his stage program with a razor-sharp eye, comments on the major scandals of our time and devotes himself with his own journalistic meticulousness to the small but all the more remarkable finds from everyday German madness. Above all, however, ALFONS presents a selection of personal highlights in "Le BEST OF": the best from his many years of studying the behavior of Germans in the wild - the best texts, the best stories and, of course, some of his notorious reports from this land of poets and plumbers, allotment gardeners and backwoodsmen.

What drives him again and again? It is the search for the true nature of the Germans - a perpetual mystery: "Back then, when I left France, I told my friends: 'Don't worry, I'll be back soon - I'll only stay until I understand the Germans' That was over 25 years ago. Alors, I'm still here..."

Location & Contact

Siemensstr. 11
70469 Stuttgart

Organizer: Theaterhaus Stuttgart e.V.

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