Alice Hoffmann & Bettina Koch

Renitenztheater, Büchsenstr. 26, 70174 Stuttgart

"O Lord, you know better than I do that I am getting older day by day and will one day be old. With my immense treasure of experience and wisdom, it seems a pity not to pass it on, but you understand, O Lord, that I must keep a few friends." (Theresa of Ávila, 1566!)

True to this age-old "prayer of the ageing person", "die Ähn un das Anner" have once again opted for humor and wit to pass on their tremendous wealth of experience and wisdom on ageing, pleasure and love.
And as always, when Alice Hoffmann and Bettina Koch perform, the following applies:
"The timing is right, the punchlines fly, the tips are on point." (SZ)

Picture: Rosel Grassmann
Bettina Koch (the Ähn) and Alice Hoffmann (the Anner) produced the radio comedy "Die Ähn un das Anner - zwei ziemlich beste Freundinnen" (The Ähn and the Anner - two pretty best friends) for SWR and have appeared with their sketches on the TV comedy "Schreinerei Fleischmann" for many years.

Alice Hoffmann
Who doesn't know her - Alice Hoffmann, cult as "Hilde" in the ARD satire "Familie Heinz Becker". Also known from other TV formats such as "Schreinerei Fleischmann", "Spätschicht", "Meister des Alltags" or legendary: "Tatort Saarbrücken" as the commissioner's secretary "Madame Maigret".

Bettina Koch realizes her own exciting projects and makes guest appearances at the Staatstheater Saarbrücken and theaters such as Trier, Festspiele Heppenheim and Neue Bühne Darmstadt.
She can be seen on TV in the crime scenes "Hilflos", "Weihnachtsgeld" and in one of the Taunus crime thrillers. She played Honecker's secretary in the award-winning movie "Vorwärts immer".

Location & Contact

Büchsenstr. 26
70174 Stuttgart

Organizer: Renitenztheater Stuttgart e.V.

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