Biedermann und die Brandstifter

Ökumenisches Gemeindezentrum Neugereut, Flamingoweg 22, 70378 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.

from € 10.00

TheaterPerformance of BÜHNE U14/2

It is astonishing and makes you shudder,
with what clairvoyance the Swiss
writer and playwright Max Frisch, who died in 1991, went to work in his play
first published in 1953.
Hardly any narrative fits better into our (or
any?) time than this tragicomedy about
being lulled and seduced and about the
inability to do the right thing
despite knowing better

"One always has suspicions, but, hand on heart:
What would you have done?"

Biedermann's question is addressed directly to us and will
still accompany us....

Price information

from € 10.00

Location & Contact

Ökumenisches Gemeindezentrum Neugereut
Flamingoweg 22
70378 Stuttgart

Organizer: Bühne U14/2 e.V.

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Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
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Deutsche Bahn AG
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