
Renitenztheater, Büchsenstr. 26, 70174 Stuttgart

Great cinema, no screen - only at BlöZinger. Robert Blöchl and Roland Penzinger, together "BlöZinger", are the inventors and grand masters of the KopfKinoKabaret. A movie. Performed live on stage. With a minimum of props. And a maximum of ideas with which BlöZinger stimulate the imagination and laughter muscles of their audience. The two stage artists bring their bizarre characters to life with acting finesse and a large portion of "Schmäh", they change roles at lightning speed and get to the heart of each character so ingeniously that the audience is drawn straight into the witty and amusing cosmos that the two cabaret artists create on stage.

In their tenth (!) stage program "Das Ziel ist im Weg", BlöZinger once again take their audience on a journey into the world of cabaret. Because: if you go on a journey, you have a story to tell. And the two cabaret artists have traveled a lot and above all: a lot together. But instead of driving their friends crazy with slides of their travel experiences, Robert Blöchl and Roland Penzinger take to the stage and tell bizarre stories in their own inimitable way about the search for their own center. But where do you begin such a search? In the distance or rather at your own navel? And when you have found your center, do you send a postcard to your loved ones to let them know that the weather is good and the food is delicious? And anyway, do you always have to arrive somewhere? Or shouldn't we rather be like the bus driver who recently chauffeured BlöZinger through the German countryside and said so beautifully: "It's better to travel hopefully than to arrive." Amen.

Robert Blöchl and Roland Penzinger have been performing as the duo "BlöZinger" since 2004. For their ingenious KopfKinoKabarett programs, they have received - among numerous other awards - the German Cabaret Prize and twice the Austrian Cabaret Prize, the most prestigious cabaret awards in the German-speaking world. In Germany, BlöZinger perform their head cinema cabaret programs "ERiCH", "bis morgen", "ZEIT" and "Das Ziel ist im Weg".

Picture: Otto Reiter

Location & Contact

Büchsenstr. 26
70174 Stuttgart

Organizer: Renitenztheater Stuttgart e.V.

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