Brennende Felder

Literaturhaus Stuttgart, Breitscheidstr. 4, 70174 Stuttgart

Concert reading and talk

Violoncello: Elisabeth Dannecker
Piano: Michael Hauber

"It was everywhere, normal life, except for her, except for her, except for her. Couldn't she come to terms with it once and for all?" Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker

In his new novel "Brennende Felder" (Burning Fields), Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker, a writer and farmer who won the Austrian Book Prize in 2024, tells the story of Luisa Fischer, a woman who breaks with convention in her pursuit of happiness and follows her heart. Will Luisa succeed in fulfilling her dream of becoming a writer? Will her emotionality find artistic expression? Throughout the ages, music composers have been able to flow feelings of human existence into their works. Cellist Elisabeth Dannecker and pianist Michael Hauber trace these emotions over a wide period of time, from Ludwig van Beethoven to Robert Schumann and Dmitri Shostakovich, and provide a sonic backdrop for Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker's expressive and poetic literature. Following the concert reading, Elisabeth and Achim Dannecker will talk to Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker about art, agriculture and cohesion in society, the annual theme of the Business Club at the Literaturhaus 2024/2025.

In collaboration with the Wirtschaftsclub im Literaturhaus

Location & Contact

Literaturhaus Stuttgart
Breitscheidstr. 4
70174 Stuttgart

Organizer: Literaturhaus Stuttgart

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