Brian Holmes: Rivermap

Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Reuchlinstraße 4B, 70178 Stuttgart

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tmosphere Saturday and Sunday, 12-6 p.m., 4th floor, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart

Maps are power - whether in colonial times or in today's imperial system. But how can they be deconstructed, reconfigured, shared and used to represent alternative futures? How can they incorporate the processual flow of time and the diversity of embodied viewpoints? Can digital maps still capture the land? Can maps of power become pathways to liberation?
Brian Holmes has spent the last decade developing an online map package for issues of political ecology while pursuing his favorite research activity: roaming the river landscapes of the US Midwest, the coast of the Pacific Northwest, and the La Plata Basin in South America. At the Künstlerhaus, he presents a series of ongoing research projects and, together with other collaborators, initiates a new exploration of the Neckar watershed.

Location & Contact

Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Reuchlinstraße 4B
70178 Stuttgart

Organizer: Künstlerhaus Stuttgart

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