Das Märchen von Maus, dem verwunschenen Königskind
- Location:
- FITZ Das Theater animierter Formen, Eberhardstr. 61, 70173 Stuttgart
A musical puppet show about a magical journey, mysterious creatures and a love for which appearances play no role.
Based on the Finnish fairy tale "The Bride of the Forest"
Lukas Schneider puppet theater
Puppetry & classical music
It happened a long time ago, on the edge of a forest shrouded in legend. Three sons lived in a family. One day the parents said: "The time has come. Go out into the world and get married. Cut down a tree and follow the direction its top points." It wasn't long before the two older brothers found the people of their hearts. But the youngest tree leads him into the deep forest. There he meets Mouse, small, not particularly handsome, but very special and lovable. With an anxious feeling, he decides to introduce Mouse to his home. On the way home, however, something wonderful happens.