Die kleine Hexe | Eintritt Kindermuseum Junges Schloss
90 minutes
The little witch
Big hands-on exhibition
14.10.2023 to 2.6.2024
On your brooms, get set, go! A famous and lovable guest has moved into the Young Castle Children's Museum - the children's book character "The Little Witch". Her creator, author Otfried Preußler, would have celebrated his 100th birthday in October 2023. To mark this anniversary, the Junges Schloss Children's Museum is presenting the hands-on exhibition "The Little Witch", which highlights the life and work of the author in addition to numerous
experience stations on the plot of the classic children's book. The hands-on exhibition for families and children aged four and over was created in cooperation with Stuttgart-based publisher Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag, which publishes all children's books written by Otfried Preußler, who died in 2013.
Motif from "The Little Witch" by Otfried Preußler, illustrations: Winne Gebhardt & Mathias Weber © Thienemann in der Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart