Die Schrillen Fehlaperlen - Friede, Freude, Pustekuchen
- Location:
- Friedrichsbau Varieté Stuttgart, Siemensstraße 15, 70469 Stuttgart
After the Schrillen Fehlaperlen had sold out a good 100 performances in a row with their program "Liebe; Frust und Leberwurst", it was probably time for their third full-length program. And finally the time has come: the lyrics have been polished and the voices have been oiled, ready to go.
In their new program "Friede, Freude, Pustekuchen", the four shrill pearls from the Fehlatal sing about everything life has to offer. Too many cocktails over coffee, youth mania and its consequences, philanderers and love killers. The errand and disposal of men, as well as the adventures of their trip to Africa, everything is again presented humorously and relentlessly in matching costumes.
Ferdi (the guitar-playing token man) once again has the task of enriching the program with his "songs from a man's point of view". So this is also a program for all genders. A humorous, musical cocktail of many new songs, spiced up with a few old favorites... For example, their little Internet hit "Aber mir roichts" (But I don't care) is of course not to be missed. You can be curious...woman too...