© Württembergische Staatstheater Stuttgart

Diptychon 1918/2022. Von Soldaten und Frauen auf der Flucht.

Schauspielhaus, Oberer Schloßgarten 6, 70173 Stuttgart
March 24, 2025, 7:30 PM

In view of a century of world wars and totalitarian regimes, an unresolved past and new trouble spots, questions are currently arising as to whether - and when - the opportunity was missed to make Europe sustainably peaceful: How has the view of war and war crimes changed after a hundred years? Is today's Europe, with its historical traumas, in a position to resist Russia's imperial expansionism, or is it politically powerless through its own fault? And how different are the experiences of
men and women in war?

Dušan David Pařízek

by Erich Maria Remarque / Natalka Vorozhbyt

Duration - approx. 2:30 hours, one interval

18:45 Introduction in the Lower Foyer Schauspielhaus

Location & Contact

Oberer Schloßgarten 6
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: The Schauspiel Stuttgart

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