© Planetarium Stuttgart

Dunkles Universum

Carl-Zeiss-Planetarium Stuttgart, Willy-Brandt-Straße 25, 70173 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.

from € 5.00

How do we know that there was a Big Bang - and what mysterious "dark energy" has been causing the cosmos to fly apart ever faster ever since? These fundamental questions are explored in this presentation with elaborate animated scenes

and we present the most important discoveries that have helped us to understand the structure of our universe. "Dark Universe" was developed at the American Museum of Natural History (New York) in collaboration with the California Academy of Sciences (San Francisco) and Goto Inc. (Tokyo). The view of the magnificent night sky is at the beginning of the show. The introduction leading up to the show comes from the Mannheim Planetarium and uses the display possibilities of the opto-mechanical star projector in the center of the dome hall in combination with the new fulldome technology.

Price information

from € 5.00

Location & Contact

Carl-Zeiss-Planetarium Stuttgart
Willy-Brandt-Straße 25
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: Carl-Zeiss-Planetarium Stuttgart

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