Ernst Mantel Trio
- Location:
- Renitenztheater, Büchsenstr. 26, 70174 Stuttgart
Ernst Mantel, singer-songwriter, humorist and self-confessed Swabian cosmopolitan country bumpkin
has requested and promptly received musical neighborhood help.
With Markus Braun, double bass player, arranger, singer and neighbor from Laubach and Florian Neukamm, guitarist, pianist, singer and quasi-neighbor from Ulm, a trio has come together that has not only pimped Mantel's songs, but has also refined them vocally and refined them instrumentally.
A program with music and highly amusing everyday scenes and stories in Swabian dialect from more than 4 decades of comedic stage work, with new, but mainly tried and tested songs, some of which have become unmistakable classics.
(Quotes of the highest praise from various contemporary witnesses from the region:
"Not bad at all!" /"Lick me on the Bäbber!" / "Ha no!" / "Jetzet aber fei!" / "Really no shit!" /"...ond au saumäßig niveauvoll!"....)
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