Ernst und Heinrich

Rosenau - Lokalität & Bühne, Rotebühlstraße 109 b, 70178 Stuttgart

Swabian-international or sophisticated nonsense with depth. - Two currencies from which this neat program is fed.
With a sample collection of humorous songs and unerring powers of observation, Ernst Mantel and
Ernst Mantel and Heiner Reiff philosophize musically and scenically about the fascination of the Swabians themselves.
And from an insider's perspective! Self-awareness and a recognition effect are not excluded.

Location & Contact

Rosenau - Lokalität & Bühne
Rotebühlstraße 109 b
70178 Stuttgart

Organizer: Rosenau Kultur e.V.

Plan your trip

Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
VVS timetable information

Deutsche Bahn AG
DB timetable information

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