Felix Lobrecht

Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart, Mercedesstraße 69, 70372 Stuttgart


"Even more awesome!" The time has finally come for Felix Lobrecht to return to the stage. After his completely sold-out ALL YOU CAN EAT tour, with over 450,000 spectators, the stand-up comedian is going on a major tour through Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and Switzerland with his fourth live program SELL OUT 2025 and 2026.
Felix Lobrecht inspires a whole generation. The hype surrounding the comedian, author and podcaster is never-ending. He puts his heart and soul into writing his jokes and tests them on the Open Mics until everything is watertight and sufficiently banging. Because, the last program is to be topped again. Spoiler: "It will!"
Felix Lobrecht presents his fans with his best material yet.
If you liked ALL YOU CAN EAT, you'll love SELL OUT!

Location & Contact

Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart
Mercedesstraße 69
70372 Stuttgart

Datasource: Easy Ticket Service

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Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
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Deutsche Bahn AG
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