franzi geht dann heim - ein musikalischer Reisebericht

Wilhelma Theater, Neckartalstr. 9, 70376 Stuttgart

From the Ruhr area on foot to Upper Bavaria to the Schliersee - 7 1/2 weeks, 1000 km & 20 songs

with Franziska Dannheim & Ukulele

In her travelogue, singer and author Franziska Dannheim tells of the slow transformation of the landscapes along the Rhine to the Alps, of the experiences and insights of the self-proclaimed hobo, of the big "why". Music is her constant companion, the ukulele always with her. Rediscovered favorite songs from the different periods of her career form a colorful, cheerful and profound résumé of standards, classical music and tango. Liszt's "Liebestraum", "Moonriver" or the "Erzherzog-Johann-Jodler" are distilled into the soundtrack of the journey.

With excerpts from her book franzi geht dann heim, published in fall 2024 by 360° medien in the traveldiary series, and a subsequent Q&A session, Franziska Dannheim provides a very personal insight into her hike. Among the large selection of stages, anecdotes and songs, the "song lottery" will be decided by lot in the evening. It's guaranteed to be fun.

Location & Contact

Wilhelma Theater
Neckartalstr. 9
70376 Stuttgart

Organizer: Wilhelma Theater

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