Gottes Wort für alle Welt!? Bibeln und Mission im kolonialen Kontext
- Location:
- Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 10, 70173 Stuttgart
- Date
Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.
The Bible is not only the most widely printed book in the world. No other book is also available in so many translations.
As often the first or earliest printed products, historical Bibles are part of the cultural heritage of many countries. Their origin can hardly be explained without reference to the history of the Christian mission. The exhibition shows outstanding exhibits, including the Gutenberg Bible and the oldest printed Bibles from America, Africa and Asia. The translations bear witness to the understanding of previously unknown languages, cultures and geographical contexts. There was often interaction with the colonial expansion efforts of European powers. Intercultural exchange on an equal footing was often neither possible nor desired.
From the very beginning, Christianity focused on humanity as a whole. As a result, it overcame cultural and national boundaries - mission and global thinking belong together. On the other hand, when translating the Bible, it became necessary to engage extensively with foreign cultures. The gospel "for all" was to become a message "for me" in the respective cultural context.