Hillus Herzdropfa - Dr´ normale Wahnsinn!

Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Liederhalle, Berliner Platz 1-3, 70174 Stuttgart

Hillu's Herzdropfa tell and show stories and incidents in this program

From the Alb ra!

Hillu's Herzdropfa won't let the subtleties of the Swabian dialect get lost in our language culture!

Medala (quirks, characteristics, habits)
Leit wia Du ond I

Where there's people there's also Medala!
Hillu Stoll has collected and written down these Medala from her fellow human beings.

Everyone has their own Medala!
A reachter Schwob hot Medala soscht schtemmt bei damm ebbes it!

Hillus Herzdropfa are life-affirming and confident Albschwoba.

Hillu's Herzdropfa are unanimous:
It's all good, an Aggr is koi Wies

Location & Contact

Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Liederhalle
Berliner Platz 1-3
70174 Stuttgart

Organizer: SBEntertainment GmbH & Co. KG

Plan your trip

Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
VVS timetable information

Deutsche Bahn AG
DB timetable information

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