I choose...No! a story of non-motherhood

Theaterhaus, Siemensstr. 11, 70469 Stuttgart

Is being a woman necessarily linked to motherhood? The silent ladies_ pose questions about chosen non-maternity and its stigmatization and show that the biological clock is not actually ticking.
In the performance, the two female characters enter into an exchange about their respective experiences. These are shaped by biographical events and historical circumstances. Aspects such as unpaid care work, conservative role models, religion, historical and medical circumstances are decisive.
Clichés such as the "maternal instinct" are humorously dispelled, the taboo subject of sterilization is discussed and even the first woman in the world, Lilith, is given a guest appearance.
The silent ladies_ invite you to engage with the topic of motherhood and question existing images of society and their consequences.

Location & Contact

Siemensstr. 11
70469 Stuttgart

Organizer: silent ladies_ gUG haftungsbeschränkt

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