© Grisaphy | Marco Grisafi

Ich bin nur anders oder Primzahlen sind wie das Leben

TREFFPUNKT Rotebühlplatz - Robert-Bosch-Saal, Rotebühlplatz 28, 70173 Stuttgart

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Tanztheater Katja Erdmann-Rajski presents its new dance theater about being different at TREFFPUNKT Rotebühlplatz in Stuttgart.

We were inspired by Christopher. The hero from Mark Haddon's novel "Super Good Days". Christopher is different. He doesn't like yellow and brown things and therefore colors his food with food coloring. Even the lettuce. He doesn't like jokes, and he certainly doesn't like mess. He likes prime numbers all the more.
But actually, we're all a bit like Christopher - whether we're 16 or 61 years old. Just different from the others. And then others look at us the wrong way.
Our dance theater explores this otherness and especially the often hidden emotions associated with it through narrative, music and physical dance - all the feelings of shame and pride, insecurity and rebellion. And it is intended to motivate dancers and spectators alike to experience their otherness as an expression of their individuality on stage. And then to live it.

Location & Contact

TREFFPUNKT Rotebühlplatz - Robert-Bosch-Saal
Rotebühlplatz 28
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: Tanztheater Katja Erdmann-Rajski

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