Imaginale 2025: Edith and Me

FITZ Das Theater animierter Formen, Eberhardstr. 61, 70173 Stuttgart

60 min. | puppet theater and chanson | English | stage fog
For adults and young people aged 16 and over

What has happened? A singer loses her voice and her courage to face life. A secret is burning inside her. But she is not alone. The famous singing icon Edith Piaf stands by her side, drags her out of bed and accompanies her on her way back to life.
Based on a true story, Yael Rasooly's virtuoso one-man show with puppets, objects and song explores the consequences of violence and shows how art can help us regain our own voice and love of life. She strikes the perfect balance between entertaining cabaret and psychological authenticity, between comedy and painful remembrance.

Solidarity price profile: 25 € / 18 € / 12 € / 7 €

Location & Contact

FITZ Das Theater animierter Formen
Eberhardstr. 61
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: FITZ Das Theater animierter Formen

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