Imaginale 2025: Im Garten der Potiniers / Au Jardin des Potiniers

Junges Ensemble Stuttgart, Eberhardstraße 61a, 70173 Stuttgart

50 min. | object theater | without words | stage fog
For children from 7 years and adults

A lush and colorful pop-up landscape of lakes and forests, mountains and valleys - and in the middle of it all, the heads of the young and old audience members. Just a few centimetres away from their faces, they experience the rhythm of the seasons and the constant change that determines the life of the plants. A microcosm unfolds around them with a sun that rises and sets, tendrils that grow and flowers that open and close again.
The French-Belgian "Compagnie Ersatz" works in an interdisciplinary way between the fields of performing arts, installation and illustration. Together with the Canadian theater group "Création dans la chambre", they have created a fantastic-poetic universe that understands people as part of their fragile environment and inspires amazement and reflection.

Solidarity price profile:10 € / 7 € / 5 €

Location & Contact

Junges Ensemble Stuttgart
Eberhardstraße 61a
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: FITZ Das Theater animierter Formen

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