Imaginale 2025: Tout | Rien / Alles | Nichts
- Location:
- Theater Rampe, Filderstr. 47, 70180 Stuttgart
55 min. | New circus, object theater | Without words
For adults and children aged 8 and over
Venue: Theater Rampe
How can the passing of time be made tangible? How can we give it a form, capture it in its movement? This is the challenge to which Alexis Rouvre responds with his "Circus of Objects". As a juggler of time, rather than gravity, he finds his inspiration in the astrophysicist Carlo Rovelli: "Bodies move naturally where time passes more slowly". As an alchemist of nothingness, he composes a work of dense poetry from very simple objects - knitting, chains, stone.
Solidarity price profile: 25 € / 18 € / 12 € / 7 €