Januartanzfest 2025

Alte Kelter Vaihingen, Kelterberg 5, 70563 Stuttgart
January 11, 2025, 7:00 PM

Cheerful folk dance festival at the beginning of the year.

Easier and more difficult folk dances, mainly from Germany, but also from other European countries, to join in or watch.

The folk dance music of the Stuttgarter Spielkreis e.V. will be playing.
Dance director Dagmar Oesterle and Hermann Deuschle

Admission free, donations are requested.

Location & Contact

Alte Kelter Vaihingen
Kelterberg 5
70563 Stuttgart

Organizer: Stuttgarter Spielkreis e.V.

Plan your trip

Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
VVS timetable information

Deutsche Bahn AG
DB timetable information

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