Jonas Greiner

Renitenztheater, Büchsenstr. 26, 70174 Stuttgart

With his new solo program "Greiner für Alle", comedian and cabaret artist Jonas Greiner delivers an evening guaranteed to be free of stress, anger and arguments. In his stories, the 25-year-old takes just about everything that happens around him with humor. And he takes his audience on a journey through Germany and the world, through the here and now and the circumstances of our time, in which everyone else is just arguing. An entertaining evening with one of the most promising young representatives of the German comedy and cabaret scene.
comedy and cabaret scene! Topical, intelligent and uproariously funny.

Jonas Greiner was named Newcomer of the Year by Olaf Schubert in 2019 and once again impresses in his second solo program "Greiner für Alle" with his unmistakable way of combining pointed, ironic social criticism and funny everyday stories with top-class and refreshing humour.
The multiple award-winning stand-up comedian and cabaret artist is a regular guest on TV shows such as "Vereinsheim Schwabing" (BR), "Olafs Klub" (MDR) and NightWash.
Videos of his appearances have been clicked millions of times online. In his monthly overview on YouTube, Jonas Greiner takes a satirical look at social and political events. In the podcast "Die Weltmeisterschaft des Schwachsinns" (The World Championship of Bullshit), he and his comedy colleague Quichotte regularly set out in search of the biggest bullshit that people have come up with throughout history: Crazy rulers, crazy conspiracy theories, strange laws and much more. He can also be heard regularly with various radio comedies on MDR JUMP.

Photo: A. Garbe

Location & Contact

Büchsenstr. 26
70174 Stuttgart

Organizer: Renitenztheater Stuttgart e.V.

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