Renitenztheater Stuttgart, Büchsenstraße 26, 70174 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.


City or country? Chilling out or working until the doctor comes? And are you more likely to meet the love of your life on Tinder or in a bar?

We have to decide again and again how we want to live. Different generations often have different answers to what the right life looks like. But who has the better arguments? In the Generation Challenge, the truth is put on the table - and young and old discuss their values and ideas. The experiences of others can help everyone to move into the future with fresh and unconventional ideas.
Junior and senior experts meet in this new and unusual "afterwork format". The debates are moderated by cultural journalist Adrienne Braun - supported by young people who contribute topics and fact checks to the shows. But the audience is also invited to actively participate in the discussions - after all, questions of conscience concern us all.

With the kind support of Santa & Co.

Pupils, students, federal volunteers and trainees receive free admission.

Price information


Location & Contact

Renitenztheater Stuttgart
Büchsenstraße 26
70174 Stuttgart

Organizer: Renitenztheater Stuttgart

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Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
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Deutsche Bahn AG
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