Künstlerische Positionen in Gewaltkontexten-Tripple

Theater Rampe, Filderstr. 47, 70180 Stuttgart

Three short pieces under the frame ARTISTIC POSITIONS IN CONTEXTS OF VIOLENCE:

18:00 Blood Thirsty
How much can a person endure? Working in a laboratory among glass tubes, vials and refrigerators to organize blood. While pandemics spread and wars are waged. The catastrophe is approaching from afar. Strange reflections, wishes and visions penetrate the regulated processes of a bloodless environment of seemingly hermetic walls and vessels.

19:00 Mapepa Mapepa Mapepa
The ensemble plays a series of paper elements, objects and electro-acoustic instruments. The performance is situated in research around immigration and complex bureaucratic architectures against the backdrop of global migrations and movements of peoples that beautifully disrupt traditional definitions of place and culture.

20:00 Under the flesh
UNDER THE FLESH is a contemporary dance performance that raises the question of the role of the body in war situations. How can the body's reaction to a threat of death, which stems from our survival instinct, be transformed into a dance?
A dance based on imaginary rules and techniques that are constructed like a fairy tale and help to overcome the machinery of war.

At the end of the evening, there will be a joint discussion with all participating artists.

Location & Contact

Theater Rampe
Filderstr. 47
70180 Stuttgart

Organizer: Theater Rampe

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