Lange Nacht der Museen im Kulturbunker
- Location:
- Kultdiak Stuttgart e.V., Rosenbergstraße 23, 70176 Stuttgart
- Date
- March 22, 2025, 6:00 PM
- Price:
- from € 16.00
The Kulturbunker is also active again this year during the Long Night of Museums! A varied program awaits you from 6 pm.
Exhibitions: Discover the exhibition on the Youth Traffic School, which takes a fascinating look at a piece of Stuttgart's history, as well as "Pony Tales", an artistic and performative exploration of themes relating to horses and their symbolic meaning by Nele Karlotta Berger.
Light installation: In the historic bunker section, artists Dietke Hellwig and Valerie Kuberczyk present a light installation that bathes the space in a new, fascinating light.
Info points in the culture bunker and the historic bunker section provide fascinating insights into the bunker's history. It is possible to stop at the info points or walk through the bunker on your own.
LIVE! in the KUltur-BUnker (Kulturbunker, Kultur im Bunker) under the Diakonissenplatz Stuttgart
Price information
- Price:
- from € 16.00