Lange Nacht der Museen im Stadtmuseum Bad Cannstatt

Stadtmuseum Bad Cannstatt, Marktstraße (Ca) 71, 70372 Stuttgart
March 22, 2025, 6:00 PM
from € 16.00

Short guided tours through the permanent exhibition and the special exhibition "Made in Almanya- between here and there" with the artist Dilây Ibis.

Thousands of art and culture enthusiasts visit the Long Night of Museums in Stuttgart every year. Numerous museums, galleries, art venues, industrial monuments, bunkers and off-spaces presented a unique range of exhibitions, guided tours and many special programs, hands-on activities, bands and DJs.

The program at Stadtmuseum Bad Cannstatt:
Short guided tours through the permanent exhibition: 7 pm, 8 pm and 9 pm
Short guided tour through the special exhibition "Made in Almanya- between here and there" with the artist Dilây Ibis: 8.30 pm

Price information

from € 16.00

Location & Contact

Stadtmuseum Bad Cannstatt
Marktstraße (Ca) 71
70372 Stuttgart

Organizer: StadtPalais - Museum für Stuttgart

Plan your trip

Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
VVS timetable information

Deutsche Bahn AG
DB timetable information