© Württembergische Staatstheater Stuttgart


Schauspielhaus, Oberer Schloßgarten 6, 70173 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.

Shakespeare tells the story of the once mighty King Lear. Now he is old and weak. In order to reassure himself of his daughters' love, they are to declare their affection for him before the inheritance is divided up. The price is the largest part of his kingdom. Falk Richter's adaptation focuses on people who have to ask themselves the question of responsibility and forgiveness anew in the downfall.

Falk Richter

by William Shakespeare
Adapted and with new texts by Falk Richter

Duration - approx. 3:05 hours, one interval

17:15 Introduction in the upper foyer of the Schauspielhaus with guest Dr. Martin Windisch from the University of Stuttgart

Location & Contact

Oberer Schloßgarten 6
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: The Schauspiel Stuttgart

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