Moni, Nico oder die Fragilität der Brust

Kultdiak Stuttgart e.V., Rosenbergstraße 23, 70176 Stuttgart

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from € 12.00

A multimedia theater performance about the impossibility of the "right life in the wrong" PREMIERE on 14.12.

In this performance, we explore the impact of our mothers' and grandmothers' traumatic war experiences and how they are passed on to subsequent generations. It is about the collective repression and concealment of sexualized violence and its consequences such as addiction and depression. We mix the fictional, documentary and personal levels.

We need the sober level of the documentary, our personal statements on inherited traumas and we need garish feminist cyberpunk to process the (often) bitter story of Nico and Moni. Our science fiction is intended to encourage us so that our current dystrophy can one day become a lived utopia.

Inspired by the lives of the pop icon "Nico" (Velvet Underground) and Moni, my mother, this multimedia production is intended to encourage us to address taboo topics and question the status quo. Together with the audience, we explore the causes of our depression, which sometimes doesn't seem to be ours. What have we inherited from society, family and genetics? What do we pass on? How do we get out of this unpleasant relay race?

"Moni, Nico oder die Fragilität der Brust" is not only a journey into the past, but also a call to change and help shape society. We are looking for performative and musical ways out of the supposed fatality.

The documentary material comes from Zoia Volk-Domaskina, who joined us on a journey into the past and conducted interviews with contemporary witnesses in Berlin, Poland and the Czech Republic. The performance mixes documentary film, live music and a psychedelic science fiction narrative.

With: Andrea Leonetti, Dijana Antunovic, Frederike Wiechmann, Jan Hottmann,
Jonathan Springer, Judith Haustein, Jürgen Kärcher, Valerie Minucci, Martina Reinalter, Mattias DePonte, Doris Lutz, Andrea Grugel, Jörg Kersting, Edda Bühler, Moni Lorenz.

LIVE! at KUltur-BUnker (Kulturbunker, Kultur im Bunker) under the Diakonissenplatz Stuttgart

Tickets are available for this event as part of KULTUR FÜR ALLE Stuttgart e.V.. Please note the information on our homepage

Price information

from € 12.00

Location & Contact

Kultdiak Stuttgart e.V.
Rosenbergstraße 23
70176 Stuttgart

Organizer: Kultdiak Stuttgart e.V.

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