Moritz Koch | Notes From Future

EXOgallery, Silberburgstraße 145A, 70176 Stuttgart

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Notes From Future, an exhibition by Moritz Koch, embarks on a profound exploration of human existence & questions contemporary social norms and structures.

Through staged photography, Koch creates a distant future in which protagonists roam mystical and enigmatic landscapes.

At first, they seem to be on the verge of uncovering a hidden conspiracy - a subtle reference to the dwindling trust in social institutions and democratic processes. But the real heart of this journey goes much deeper and raises existential questions about the meaning of life and the position of humanity in the face of the infinite vastness of the universe.

Visually, the series reflects Koch's unmistakable style by playing with contrasts between past and future. This juxtaposition gains significance in the context of the Artemis missions and prompts reflection on whether we are entering a new era of Space Age 2.0 and the extent to which this age of space travel provides a mental escape from the complexities of our time.

The elaborate lighting design and the careful selection of locations - earth stations, space telescopes, observatories - reinforce the mysterious and sublime atmosphere of the works. These scientific sites of observation and communication are transformed into monuments to an ongoing quest for knowledge that links the present with an uncertain future.

Koch's masterful storytelling draws the viewer into his science fiction worlds, where the conventions of human society seem to blur. His captivating narrative style reshapes our perception and sparks the imagination, immersing the audience so deeply in these constructed worlds that they become part of the scenes themselves.

Location & Contact

Silberburgstraße 145A
70176 Stuttgart

Organizer: EXOgallery

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