Nektarios Vlachopoulos

Rosenau - Lokalität & Bühne, Rotebühlstraße 109 b, 70178 Stuttgart

Nektarios Vlachopoulos is probably the best person in the world, because he likes honesty, peace and that everyone likes him. The incredible power of self-irony enables him to effortlessly come to terms with all obstacles and makes him immune to reason and maturity. This virtually invincible superhero has only one weakness: his panic fear of conflict. He is also emotionally fragile, has a multitude of allergies and regularly fails to meet the basic demands of his own life.
But he can speak! I swear, he can speak! Nektarios has mastered the entire range of silliness from Ringelnatz to Pimmelwitz, uses the prefix "bums-" to enhance adjectives and, last but not least, surprises himself time and again with finely honed rhetoric and bum-smart thoughts. A real gangster who has never been in a fight.
In a perfect world, everyone would be like Nektarios, only Nektarios would have a little more money than the others. But unfortunately, most people are more like that these days. And that's where the problem lies!

Location & Contact

Rosenau - Lokalität & Bühne
Rotebühlstraße 109 b
70178 Stuttgart

Organizer: Rosenau Kultur e.V.

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Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
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