Claudia Wieser, Portrait, 2023. Mercedes-Benz Art Collection. © Claudia Wieser. Foto Jürgen Altmann, Stuttgart_2100, © Mercedes-Benz Art Collection. Foto Jürgen Altmann, Stuttgart
Werke von Manfred Mohr (© Manfred Mohr). Mercedes-Benz Art Collection. Foto Jürgen Altmann, Stuttgart_2100, © Mercedes-Benz Art Collection. Foto Jürgen Altmann, Stuttgart

Now on View: Werke der Mercedes-Benz Art Collection

Mercedes-Benz Museum Stuttgart, Mercedesstraße 100, 70372 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.

Under the title "Now on View. Works from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection at the Mercedes-Benz Museum", the Mercedes-Benz art collection has been showing important works from its 40-year history in changing exhibitions since spring 2024.

From November 13, 2024 to October 5, 2025, a new presentation with around 30 fascinating paintings, sculptures, textile objects, installations and videos from the 1980s to the present day will be on display: Celebrities such as Sylvie Fleury and Andy Warhol as well as contemporary artists such as Kai Fischer, Claudia Wieser and Heba Y. Amin deal in their works with the influence of iconic brands on society, the convergence of art and design, the validity of systems of order and measurement and developments in abstract art.

Guided tours of "Now on View":
Guided tours of the exhibition take place once a month. A family tour is offered for adults, young people and children. After the tour, children have the opportunity to get creative by painting or doing arts and crafts. More information about the guided tour, the dates and registration can be found at

The Mercedes-Benz Art Collection was founded in 1977 and is today one of the most important European corporate collections of museum quality and international renown. The collection includes around 3,000 works by over 800 artists - including world-famous artists such as Cao Fei, Alicja Kwade, Charlotte Posenenske, Oskar Schlemmer, Franz Erhard Walther and Andy Warhol.

Further information about the Mercedes-Benz Museum and tickets can be found here.

Location & Contact

Mercedes-Benz Museum Stuttgart
Mercedesstraße 100
70372 Stuttgart

Organizer: Mercedes-Benz Museum Stuttgart

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