Podiumsdiskussion | Beweger und Bewegte - Wird in Baden-Württemberg besonders gerne protestiert?
90 minutes
As part of the experiential exhibition "PROTEST! From anger to movement"
From the protests against the Wyhl nuclear power plant to the founding of the Green Party, the protests against S21 and the movement of lateral thinkers - the history of protest in Baden-Württemberg is extremely eventful. But when, why and how did protests get underway in Baden-Württemberg? Is there a comparatively strong tradition of protest here or is the history of other regions just as rich in protests? Do people here have a particular protest mentality or is the "angry citizen" simply a cliché?
We discuss this ...
- Rezzo Schlauch, member of the party "Bündnis 90/Die Grünen" since 1980
- Gottfried Härle, one of the organizers of the human chain from Stuttgart to Ulm in 1983
- Gisela Erler, former State Councillor for Civil Society and Civic Participation in Baden-Württemberg
- Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss, Professor of Political Science at SOCIUM - Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen and founding member of the Institute for Protest and Movement Research
- Peter Grohmann, cabaret artist, author, publicist and board member of the association "Die AnStifter
Moderation: Dunja Hayali
Photo: Dunja Hayali, rights: Jennifer Fey