Pola Polanski, Powerfrauen in Kunst und Literatur

Galerie Inter Art, Rosenstraße 37, 70182 Stuttgart

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Women have gone their own way in the art of the 20th and 21st centuries. They usually cannot be assigned to any of the dominant styles, preferring mixed media or a 'visible' application of paint. The themes often stem from the reality of female life.

The Stuttgart artist Pola Polanski has drawn a portrait of each of the artists presented here and juxtaposed it with a life sketch and an inspired keyword to characterize the work or the person. She has studied their works thoroughly and knows some of them personally, and as an artist she can easily empathize with the women close to her.

Another of the artist's projects shows 38 female authors, also painted in ink. In addition to a biography of the women writers, the authors also have their say, mostly through quotes.

Location & Contact

Galerie Inter Art
Rosenstraße 37
70182 Stuttgart

Organizer: Galerie Inter Art

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