Rätseln, Raten, Wissen, Feiern – Kneipenquiz mit dem Blogteam des Stadtarchivs

Ritterstüble, Ritterstraße 7, 70199 Stuttgart
April 5, 2025, 7:00 PM

What was the name of the robot that visited Stuttgart in 1955? Why does the Stuttgart city coat of arms show a "Rössle"? And can you drive from Killesberg to the city center blindfolded without having an accident?

If you can answer these and many other questions about Stuttgart's city history, this is the evening for you. You can guess without restraint: However, we recommend taking a look at the city archive's blog beforehand, as this will expand your own knowledge base and could be an advantage in the quiz. Take part in the quiz and win some surprising prizes! We are celebrating the fifth birthday of our blog Archiv0711 with a social get-together and tricky quiz questions about the city's history at the legendary Ritterstüble in Stuttgart Heslach. And best of all: no party without music, so we're delighted that Andreas Vogel will be playing the best 7inch vinyl singles from his collection. Have fun with the quiz!

Please register via stadtarchiv@stuttgart.de

Location & Contact

Ritterstraße 7
70199 Stuttgart

Organizer: Stadtarchiv

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