Realismus: Das große Versprechen des Kinos - Ringvorlesung im Wintersemester 2024/25

Merz Akademie - Hochschule für Gestaltung, Kunst und Medien, Stuttgart, Teckstraße 58, 70190 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.

The lecture series of the Merz Akademie in cooperation with the Stuttgarter Filmwinter. The Merz Akademie has invited 6 filmmakers who are characterized by particularly innovative concepts of realism to present their work. Curated by Prof. Maria Mohr and Prof. Peter Ott.

The fact that cinema can depict light, things, people and movements seemingly directly has established realism as one of the great promises of cinema. Seemingly, because "reality" is a media effect and "realism" is a political strategy for dealing with this effect. Cinematic realism has therefore always dealt with the questions that arise from the gap between reality and its cinematographic reproduction:

In what ways are realities translated in film?

How is reality explored, even when turning away from the effects of realism?

How can we narrate what moves between the different layers of reality and points beyond them (relationships, dreams, utopias)?

What technical and narrative means can we develop for this?

And: How can the realism of cinema cope with a reality that is unacceptable by any stretch of the imagination?

The dates:
12.11., 18:15, Merz Akademie: Eva Könnemann: Beobachtung beeinflusst Wirklichkeit
19.11., 18:15, Merz Akademie: Anja Salomonowitz: Hybrider Dokumentarfilm
03.12., 18:15, Merz Akademie: Susanne Heinrich: Wenn das hier zum Beispiel ein Film wäre ...
17.12., 18:15, Merz Akademie: Maria Mohr: Film als Raum (Antrittsvorlesung)
07.01.25, 18:15, Merz Akademie: Katharina Pethke: Portäts im Film
14.01.25, 19:00, FITZ Theater: Gernot Wieland: On Parrots

Location & Contact

Merz Akademie - Hochschule für Gestaltung, Kunst und Medien, Stuttgart
Teckstraße 58
70190 Stuttgart

Organizer: Merz Akademie - Hochschule für Gestaltung, Kunst und Medien, Stuttgart

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