Reise ins Geschichtenland - Da drüben sitzt ein Osterhas' von Helga Fell und Antje Bohnstedt

Stadtteilbibliothek Feuerbach, Sankt-Pöltener-Straße 29, 70469 Stuttgart
April 11, 2025, 4:00 PM

The district library offers the Kamishibai reading program every four weeks.

The little Easter bunny has ten beautiful Easter eggs in his basket. He sets off and meets lots of animals. Who will get an Easter surprise?
Kamishibai is a special form of storytelling. A frame made of wood. Two hinged doors that slowly open. The first picture of a story appears on the stage. With its expressive pictures, the Japanese paper theater has proven to be an excellent tool for making contact with children.

Location & Contact

Stadtteilbibliothek Feuerbach
Sankt-Pöltener-Straße 29
70469 Stuttgart

Organizer: Stadtteilbibliothek Feuerbach

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