
Altes Schauspielhaus, Kleine Königstr. 9, 70178 Stuttgart

The Stuttgart Comedian Harmonists return - in a new musical comedy created especially for them! In "Die Comedian Harmonists" and "Halleluja!" they have already thrilled our audiences. "This boy group sings with wit!" wrote the Stuttgarter Nachrichten newspaper at the time. Now the five young singers and their pianist are back - just in time for Christmas.

The sextet will be joined by the incomparable singer, musician and entertainer Antje Rietz, whom you have already met as Hildegard Knef and Marlene Dietrich. Together with Birgit Reutter from Stuttgart, she completes the evening perfectly. The dream combination of eight magnificent voices makes for a Christmas treat for the whole family!

Christmas Eve in the "Hafenklause", a small pub near Hamburg's fish market. Every year at Christmas, landlady Maria holds a sea shanty competition here. From "Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb eins" to "La Paloma" and "Wellerman" - you will hear these hits and many other beautiful songs about the sea, longing and coming home, arranged and performed in the incomparable style of the Comedian Harmonists.

Director Franz-Lorenz Engel, who wrote the play based on an idea by Schauspielbühnen director Axel Preuß, was awarded the Audience Award for his productions of "Honig im Kopf" and "Spatz und Engel".

Performances 6.12.2024 to 25.1.2025

With Florian Fries, Tobias Hagge, Lénárd Kókai, Michael Rapke, Birgit Reutter, Antje Rietz, Tobias Rusnak, Loïc Damien Schlentz
Directed by Frank-Lorenz Engel
Musical direction Florian Fries
Stage and costumes Beate Zoff
Dramaturgy Annette Weinmann

Location & Contact

Altes Schauspielhaus
Kleine Königstr. 9
70178 Stuttgart

Organizer: Altes Schauspielhaus und Komödie im Marquardt e.V.

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