Selbstbehauptung im Alltag

treffpunkt 50plus, Rotebühlplatz 28, 70173 Stuttgart
December 4, 2024, 10:00 AM

A morning for women with Wendo

Sometimes we feel uncomfortable. For example, someone stares at us "funny". Or someone says something mean to us. Or someone gets physically close to us in a way we don't want.

In this course, we can practise having more courage. And to be more self-confident.

To feel better what we want. Or what no longer feels good and "right" for us. Support ourselves with our voice and the "language of our body". For example, we can say "No!". Or show a "No" with our body! Or we can walk away and get support and help from others.

This is an exclusive women*/girls* event

Location & Contact

treffpunkt 50plus
Rotebühlplatz 28
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: Abteilung für Chancengleichheit (OB-CG)

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Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
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Deutsche Bahn AG
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