Shorties #19

FITZ Das Theater animierter Formen, Eberhardstr. 61, 70173 Stuttgart

"Shorties" presents thematically linked contributions from puppet theater, dance and film. The result is a multifaceted evening that combines lightness and artistic seriousness and helps to connect people with very different artistic experiences.

Emilia Dorr
Argentinian choreographer and performance artist Emilia Dorr delves into the intricacies of relationships, the history embedded in space and our bodies, and the meaning of their remnants. The result is a performative journey for and with the audience that manifests the complexities of relationships and opens up spaces where new narratives can emerge from these unexpected encounters.
Idea, concept, dance: Emilia Dorr

dis_figured (work in progress)
Eva Baumann's solo "dis_figured" plays with the meanings of the English word 'figure' (image, appearance) and its negation "disfigured". The piece choreographically explores the boundaries between the legible 'figure' and the 'disfigured', questioning definitions of beauty and ugliness. At the center is an anonymous person with a continuously covered face, who moves in a limited light radius of only two meters. Her body parts appear separated and detached, but transform into a complex 'something' in the course of the performance. Pauline Olivero's composition "Big mother is watching you" creates the musical framework.
Idea, concept, dance: Eva Baumann

Fisheye (AT)
Nóra Vermes
"The fish lives its world. Doesn't ask questions, doesn't interpret, doesn't think. (I think.) It exists. Then it is fished by man. The human describes the fish. Until now, the fish would not have thought that it was as it had just been described, but it had no other image of itself. But now, seeing the human, he thinks. Well - I am thinking. So - the fish in my imagination is thinking."
Direction, concept, play: Nóra Vermes | Text: Teppei Higuchi | Artistic supervision: Prof. Julika Mayer, Prof. Florian Feisel

Thematically selected by the director of the Stuttgart Film Winter Giovanna Thierry.

Location & Contact

FITZ Das Theater animierter Formen
Eberhardstr. 61
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: FITZ Das Theater animierter Formen

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