SMASH ME UP! mit Albino und René Renitent

KUlturBUnker unter dem Diakonissenplatz, Rosenbergstraße 23, 70176 Stuttgart
February 14, 2025, 9:00 PM

and this year too, albino throws his hat into the ring at smash me up! rené renitent -also well protected- throws in as if there was no wickedness in the world

those in the know know: we'll be treated to murderous mod and phenomenal punk until the lid flies off our heads.

...well, and in between there will be a little ska, soul, psychobilly, wave and indie pulled out of the hat. Chapeau!

Location & Contact

KUlturBUnker unter dem Diakonissenplatz
Rosenbergstraße 23
70176 Stuttgart

Organizer: Kultdiak Stuttgart e.V.

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