Sonate concertate in stil moderno | 9.4.25
120 minutes
Sonata concertate in stil moderno
Capricornus Ensemble Stuttgart:
Frithjof Smith, cornett
Cosimo Stawiarski, violin
Simon Reichert, organ
Henning Wiegräbe, trombone
Dario Castello's sonatas from his "Sonate concertate in stil moderno" collections printed in Venice form the framework of the concert with virtuoso music from the 17th century. These sonatas were so groundbreaking and popular as independent instrumental music alongside the predominant vocal music of the time that they were reprinted several times both in Venice and Antwerp. Although almost nothing is known about Castello's life today, his compositional ideas were a model for entire generations of composers for at least half a century.
This concert features instrumental music by Dario Castello, Giovanni Martino Cesare, Giovanni Rovetta, Giuseppe Scarani and others.
Early music concert series
The concert series in the Haus der Musik starts its sixth season. The line-up includes top-class international ensembles and musicians. Renowned lecturers from the Trossingen University of Music present wonderful programs. Other well-known national and regional ensembles as well as offerings from the Stuttgart music academies round off the extensive program, which of course also includes live performances of the historical keyboard instruments of the Württemberg State Museum.