
clubCANN, Kegelenstr. 21, 70372 STUTTGART


"Most birds migrate to warmer climes for the winter. The sparrow stays and holds out until it gets warmer again."

All people have to find their way - but how if you don't even know where you're going? Sperling mix rap with post-hardcore and a cello. Sometimes sad and melancholy, sometimes rebellious and angry. The eloquent lyrics together with the atmospheric instrumentals result in an unusual mixture - sometimes quiet, sometimes not.

While the first album "Zweifel" was initially dominated by criticism of the system and looking outwards, now you hear the word "I" much more often instead of "you". Sperling have not stopped talking about the horrors of the world. However, their new songs recognize that mindfulness of oneself is now all the more necessary.

"For a long time, I tried to run away from my problems or at least blame others for them. But at some point I realized that you can't run away from your demons. Only through confrontation can you gain new hope."_Jojo

On their second album "Menschen wie mir verzeiht man die Welt oder hatst sie", the Hunsrück quartet writes profound songs from this perspective of self-reflection, creating an emotional panorama of inner disorientation between sensitive reverb guitar seas, beat-heavy indie and frustrated sonic power.

"On our first album, we described a lot about how bad everything felt. That has changed for me. I still often have the feeling of failure, but I can now take much more from it for myself. For example, I always see the next step ahead of me first and not the end straight away."_Jojo

Sperling don't provide any answers as to what the uncertain future should look like. How could they? And yet, in their despair, they always give you the feeling that at least you're not alone in all this.

"Hope in times of hopelessness" - Fuze
"Organic, urgent and honest in every second." - Gitarre & Bass
"An unsparing record that zooms in on your own mind and keeps going until all the questions that are robbing you of sleep have been asked." - Visions

Line-up Sperling

Johannes Gauch - vocals/bass
Malte Pink - guitar
Luca Gilles - cello
Joshua Heitzer - drums

Location & Contact

Kegelenstr. 21

Datasource: CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA

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