Sven Garrecht

Renitenztheater, Büchsenstr. 26, 70174 Stuttgart

Time is money and money isn't everything. But sometimes the right timing is worth its weight in gold.
Am I happy with my life now, or was that yesterday?
Should I break up with my partner, or is it already too late?
Has the time come to make a decision? I don't know!
But one thing is clear: if not now, where else? - the new program by music cabaret artist Sven Garrecht!

Location & Contact

Büchsenstr. 26
70174 Stuttgart

Organizer: Renitenztheater Stuttgart e.V.

Plan your trip

Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
VVS timetable information

Deutsche Bahn AG
DB timetable information

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